Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween Fun

This is what Jocelyn wore for Black & Orange day at school. She looks so big!Jocelyn woke up with some CRAZY hair! We carved pumpkins Saturday morning, HAD to make pumpkin seeds. She's picking seeds out of the pumpkin "guts".
This is Spencer's contribution.....pluutthhhh!

Spencer picked out this pumpkin design.He really wasn't that into it though! Jocelyn on the other hand was VERY into it.Even did some carving! Great job! This was the design Jocelyn picked! DRACULA!!
Making pasta skeletons.This is the ONE good picture that I got of Spencer. These are all the kids that I have during the day too. We had a little Halloween party...they were all very excited.We even had "snakes" for lunch." pictures!"I'm not sure who was more excited about Jocelyn's costume. She was excited to be a cheerleader and I was even more excited that she didn't have any make-up this year!!