Wednesday, March 31, 2010


WOW, what a difference a haircut makes!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Big Kids!

Jocelyn is growing up so fast! I can hardly keep up with pictures.Spencer too! Grandma sent a new vest...he loves it!
So HAPPY together!!
I think a haircut is in order!
Thanks for the vest Grandma!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Aggie Days

Over the weekend I took Jocelyn, Spencer and Adara to Aggie Days at the Stampede grounds. The kids had so much fun, we ended up staying there for about 4 hours and still didn't do everything! Making rope!
They got to learn about how things grow and then planted sunflower seeds to grow at home.

Make your own playdoh. It was even pink and smelled like strawberries!

Spencer got into the action too. A little colouring?

They thought it was cool to milk a cow. I wonder how they would feel if it was a REAL cow.

The baby chicks were a hit too! These chicks were only 2 days old and sooooo soft.

Wow, what are those!?

Just Cuz

Spencer looks like a little old man in his rocking chair, reading his book!!
Huh? I'm readin' here! See Jocelyn look what I can do? Hee hee hee.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Paddy's Day

Jocelyn and Spencer both had a great St. Patrick's Day. They certainly were not getting pinched today!In honour of St. Pat, we had homemade pizza. You can't tell in this picture but the crust is green! Jocelyn wanted a shamrock . . . so that's what she got. What a happy looking shamrock man!
And oh how Spencer enjoyed every bite! And look at all those teeth.



Spencer is very intense sometimes when he plays with his cars. He REALLY likes his cars a certain way. Sometimes Jocelyn will come over and try to play with him and he wants no part of her being around him. I thought that daggers were going to shoot out of his eyes when she tried to play with him here. Don't mess with my cars!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Day Home Days

Here's a couple of pictures of Spencer in the day home. Most of the days he has lots of fun, sometimes he gets mad that the other kids are taking up my attention.
Arts and crafts time!

Spencer loves to get into containers, he's such a funny little man.

Tents are always fun for kids!