Thursday, December 16, 2010

Little Brothers!!

This is what Spencer likes to do in Jocelyn's room!Peek-a-boo! Yup, I made this BIG mess!! Good thing Jocelyn loves her little brother so much!


Spencer's favourite thing to do is play in the sink.Water is so much fun. He tries to grab it, doesn't ever manage to get it though.
Look mom.....water!

And still more.....

We had a birthday celebration at Gramma and Grampa's house on American Thanksgiving. She's so spoiled!She read EVERY card outloud! We let her open a few presents ON her birthday too!Three days of birthday's, might as well start young.
Jewerly....the way to most girls heart!
Even her dance teacher got her a present!
Her favourite present......DSi XL!! Video games, imagine!

SEVEN!! already! Jocelyn had a great birthday. Well really it was almost like 3 birthdays!
She's not a big fan of cake but loves carrot cake. We made these the night before her party.Jocelyn and Spencer had fun EATING all the decorations and putting a FEW on the cupcakes.We had her party at a place called Tommy Kplay. All the kids had a fantastic time.Uncle Gord got in on the car racing too!TONS of presents! She loved all the toys and crafts and, and, and......SO much!Spencer had a great time throwing tissue up into the air. He would have done that all night if he could have. I think that the laser room was the biggest attraction. They would stand in line for 10 minutes if they had to and not complain at all!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Parent Viewing Day

A few months into dance the parents get to come and watch what the kids are learning and what they do in class. Jocelyn is in Celtic dancing for the first time and just LOVES it. She prances around the house practicing all the time.
They work really hard in class.

Can't wait to see the year end show in full costume and watch the progression. Jocelyn was also asked to be in the opening dance for the year end show. She is VERY excited about it.

Stampeders Day

The western final was on and the Stampeders were in it. Jocelyn decided to make herself red and white. Got dressed in all red and white and made a flag to go with her outfit.Spencer ALWAYS does everything that Jocelyn does.
Too bad the Stampeders lost. The kids still had a great day though.

November Still

And then it snowed! For three straight days!LOTS of snow.


In the beginning of November we had some GREAT weather! The park is just the best! We love playing there.
Look at this mom.....a berry.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween Fun

This is what Jocelyn wore for Black & Orange day at school. She looks so big!Jocelyn woke up with some CRAZY hair! We carved pumpkins Saturday morning, HAD to make pumpkin seeds. She's picking seeds out of the pumpkin "guts".
This is Spencer's contribution.....pluutthhhh!

Spencer picked out this pumpkin design.He really wasn't that into it though! Jocelyn on the other hand was VERY into it.Even did some carving! Great job! This was the design Jocelyn picked! DRACULA!!
Making pasta skeletons.This is the ONE good picture that I got of Spencer. These are all the kids that I have during the day too. We had a little Halloween party...they were all very excited.We even had "snakes" for lunch." pictures!"I'm not sure who was more excited about Jocelyn's costume. She was excited to be a cheerleader and I was even more excited that she didn't have any make-up this year!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Just Hangin'

This is Spencer zoning out right before nap time.My girl....
The ham....Cheese
This was so cute....Jocelyn and Spencer had just got there pj's on. Jocelyn had bought this book for him (with her own money) and decided that she wanted to read him a bedtime story.
He was so excited, he didn't want her to stop!
Spencer wants to do EVERYTHING that his big sister does!